Under the leadership of charter members and local businessmen Henry L. Scharff, Trinity held its first worship service in the Chamber of Commerce building downtown on September 13, 1954. After that, worship was held in various places around the city including the Boy Scout Cabin in Cherry Street Park, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, the Old Fairview Schoolhouse on Wood Street, and Jesse Loving Auditorium in Old Settlers Park.
Trinity was formally organized on June 24, 1954, by thirty-one charter members and dedicated its first building located at 2505 Hickory St. on Sept 2, 1956. The congregation moved to its second location at 4670 N. Loy Lake Road in July 1979. Trinity moved to its current location at 1515 N. Travis Street on February 3, 2000.
Trinity is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a church of 5.3 million members; 11,000 congregations; 18,000 clergy; 28 colleges and universities; and 8 seminaries, and are part of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod (NT-NL). Trinity was originally a mission of the American Lutheran Church (1930) which was of a German background.