We will celebrate Palm Sunday, April 2nd with a parade and reading of the Passion story according to St. Matthew. Weather permitting, we will start outside along Travis St.
Our Holy Week worship services will be filled with inspirational moments. On Maundy Thursday, April 6th at 6pm we will relive the Last Supper. The service will also highlight the very moving Stripping of the Altar. On Good Friday, April 7th at 6pm, our service will be a Service of Shadows. Two services celebrating the resurrection will be available on Easter, April 9th, a 7am sunrise service, and a 10:30am festival service.
There will be an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday at 10am (kid’s bring your basket!). Donations of individually wrapped, small candy, toys or stickers (small enough to place in a plastic egg) are requested. You can drop these by the church office or bring them with you on Sunday morning and leave them in the fellowship hall. The eggs will be stuffed during Holy Week, so please bring all donations on or before Palm Sunday. Thank you in advance for your support.
Come celebrate our risen Lord! On Easter morning we will have a fellowship potluck breakfast from 8am to 10am. Please bring your favorite breakfast foods to share. People will be needed to set-up/clean-up, a sign-up sheet is in the fellowship hall.
During Lent special offerings are being collected for Trinity’s Helping Hands fund. In 2022 we were able to help 112 families through your donations. Our Helping Hands fund allows us to provide rental assistance, utility assistance, bus tickets, the purchase of prescriptions, and many, many gas vouchers. This couldn’t happen without you. Please consider giving during this holy time of year.